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Fuzzy, Furry, and Feathered Friends: The Buzz About Seed Swaps

Did you know that January 25th is National Seed Swap Day? It’s the perfect excuse to gather friends, neighbors, and fellow garden enthusiasts for a bit of trading, storytelling, and planning for spring blooms and summer harvests. Seed swaps are more than just a practical way to save money on seeds—they’re a celebration of biodiversity, sustainability, and the simple joy of sharing. Plus, it’s a fantastic way to meet people who won’t judge you for geeking out over heirloom tomatoes, your grand plans to attract hummingbirds, or increase the size of a garden that is already way too big to manage!

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The Greener Guide to Brown Recluse Spiders: Myths, Facts, and Safety Tips

While brown recluse spiders are not common in all aeras of the United States, especially here in the Mid-West where Be Green Pro is located, they can appear, and bites—though rare—should be taken seriously. By staying informed, learning to identify them, and taking preventive measures, you can greatly reduce any risk to yourself, your family, and your pets.

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The Greener Guide to Breaking Up with Your Lawn Care Company: Tips for a Smooth Transition

Whatever your reason, be clear about why you’re making the switch. Are you dreaming of eco-friendly solutions? Better customer service? Customized plans? Or just someone who actually shows up when they say they will? Knowing what went wrong helps you pick a new company that meets your expectations.

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